Nalle's Princedom
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Read Me! - How to navigate.

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Beitrag von Nalle Sa Jul 15, 2023 1:34 pm

Dear Citizens,

as you might see, we created our very own language for the princedom. Felt more cohesive this way. lol.  Read Me! - How to navigate. 1f60a
As a result I have to translate the texts for you.

Read Me! - How to navigate. Icon_s10Brings you to the Start Page Don't know if I have to explain "realm". It was the first word when Nallish still just was an English translation. lol.
Read Me! - How to navigate. Icon_c10This one translates to Calendar. lol. OK. Perhaps that was an easier one.
Read Me! - How to navigate. Icon_g10Leads to the Galery, while Sanctr. I related this word from sactuary, because pictures are divine. lol.
Read Me! - How to navigate. Icon_f10This one means Albenr, and it's supposed to translate to FAQ.
Read Me! - How to navigate. Icon_s11If you need to find something the Seekers have you covered. This is the SEARCH function. lol.
Read Me! - How to navigate. Icon_m10A kingdom always has citizens or inhabitants (Nallish: inhabita) so this one leads to the Memberlist.
Read Me! - How to navigate. Icon_g11Leads to the Groups, because a clan (in Nallish: clanr) is a group of people. lol.
Read Me! - How to navigate. Icon_r10Without registration you can't partake in our nice little princedom. Guilds used to register the new craftsmen and stuff, so Gildene became Nallish for this task.
Read Me! - How to navigate. Icon_p10Leads to your very own PROFILE (Nallish: Statr from "status"). The Nalle Princedom does not take responsibility for whatever you share on your profile. The lawway from planet Earth is not supported.
Read Me! - How to navigate. Icon_m11Contains any message (Nallish: mesare), that was sent to you via Read Me! - How to navigate. I_icon_pm a.k.a. DM. Will switch color to sky-blue, when you have an unread DM.
Read Me! - How to navigate. Icon_l10Leads to the Login, because Because you kinda have to enter (in Nallish: entera) the realm. lol.
Read Me! - How to navigate. Icon_l11It will switch to exare, once you are logged in, so that you can Logout.

Other Buttons translated:

Read Me! - How to navigate. I_postWrite a NEW Post.
Read Me! - How to navigate. I_replyANSWER on a Post.
Read Me! - How to navigate. I_icon_quoteQUOTE a Post.
Read Me! - How to navigate. I_icon_editEDIT your Post.
Read Me! - How to navigate. I_icon_deleteDELETE a Post.
Read Me! - How to navigate. I_icon_emailEmail a User.
Read Me! - How to navigate. I_icon_pmDM a User.
Read Me! - How to navigate. I_icon_profileOPEN THE PROFILE of a User.
Read Me! - How to navigate. I_icon_wwwOPEN THE WEBSITE of a User.
Read Me! - How to navigate. I_msg_newpostSEND A NEW MESSAGE to a User.

I hope this helps you, dear citizens!

Signed your monarch

Bounded Born
This user has joined the RPG.
Joined the Kingdom
This user has created a character for our realm.
Hidden: Game Master
This Character secretly is a Game Master of the RPG.
Double The Trouble
This character is a twin to somebody else in the realm.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 7
Power : 497
Anmeldedatum : 22.06.23

Name: Luca
Gender: male
Age: 13
Class: Noble
Race: Human
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